In a broad terms, artificial intelligence (or AI)  is a collective term for computer systems that can sense their environment, think, learn, and take action in response to what they are sensing and their objectives. There are many forms of AI used today including digital assistants, chatbots and  machine learning amongst others.

Automation: Automation of manual/cognitive and routine/non-routine tasks.

Assisted Intelligence: Helping people to perform tasks faster and better.

Augmented Intelligence: Automating decision making processes without human intervention

Autonomous Intelligence: Automating decision making processes without human intervention.


The increase in all forms of artificial intelligence is having a significant impact on society and is continuously changing the way we live, work and interact. AI offers a unique opportunities to change the world we live in, and improve life for all.  Here are some examples of how AI is used today and has changed the way we live.

  1. Precision Medicine:  Ai is driving the implementation and precision of medicine. This approach takes into account the individual variation in genes, the environment and lifestyle of the person. The approach allows doctors and researchers alike to predict with high levels of accuracy which treatment and prevention strategies will work in certain groups of people. In contrast to a current “one-size-fits-all” approach, prevention strategies can be specifically tailored.  AI can make this possible due to a large amount of historical medical data previously collected. Companies, hospitals, doctors and researchers use AI and deep learning algorithms to analyze the data and equip doctors with specific information that would have been previously unknown. IBM uses AI algorithms in radiology to scan more accurately detect tumors. Although already powerful, as AI gets stronger in the future, the potential is truly limitless.
  2. CybersecurityIt is predicted that by 2020, more than 1.5 billion people will be affected by data breaches. A handful of companies are already supplying solutions by using AI to predict patterns and anomalies with malicious content. On the other end, companies like Deep Instinct are using it for fraud prevention and endpoint security.
  3. Precision Farming: Connecting big data with farming practices can greatly help increase yields, reduce waste and negate negative effects to the environment. Ag-Analytics works with John Deere’s AutoTrac to provide in depth analysis on soil type, potential crop yields, planting fertilizing ect. Furthermore Cainthus uses AI machine vision that can identify a cow in 6 seconds. This enables mass amounts of cows to be monitored with minimal human involvement.  Soon detection will be able to detect early signs of lameness in a cow based on body shape and alert the farmer accordingly.


These are just some examples of how AI is transforming the world around us. Can you think of any innovations, industries, services that could benefit from AI? Get started with Prepr to bring your AI-idea to life.

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