
The U.S. Department of Education recently posted a report which shocked me. I was aware that there is a problem with the drop out rates of high school students but I recent stats show a very large gap between drop-out rates amongst Blacks versus those of Asian decent.

It is a rather unfortunate statistic and one which should be looked at and considered deeply as we live in a first class country with the financial capabilities and means to be able to lower these gaps and eventually close them. We’ve considered many elements that could contribute to these statistics and are working on releasing a campaign to raise awareness and help.

Many other organizations are attempting to help with this but we believe where they have fallen short is actually understanding what goes on in a typical family where these children grow up in as well as the environment and what they have to deal with on a day to day bases. The average community college tuition 10 years ago was a little over $12,000 per year. Since then, this figure has increased well over 20%, making it even more difficult for middle-income families with more then two children to be able to budget putting their children through college.

Although there are many programs by the government as well as other organizations and foundations providing bursaries, grants and scholarships, it seems that there is still something missing. The perception of facing a financial burden of more then $50,000 per child for college has certain affects on families and their willingness to take on this risk and incur debt. A typical family of two will face over $100,000 in tuition bills over the course of four years, not to consider other financial obligations such as mortgages and credit card debt which have been a critical issue and a primary concern during this recession.

With all that said and done, what is the solution? Someone needs to step in and take action on a micro level. Yes, we can all address the concerns by donating or setting up a scholarship but I look at this as a surface resolution like sending medical aid to children in Africa rather then creating an educational program to teach them about proper hygiene which will last a lifetime unlike medication.

Children need to be nurtured, motivated and taught the proper method of addressing problems so that they can sustain this process. Prepr has a solution for sustaining results and stepping in at a micro level but we need your help. We need you to listen and we need you to participate. Financial contributions are great but we all need to Pay It Forward. We need to make an active effort in reaching out to those around us and teach on the simplest level; wash your hands, budget your time, create a savings account for tuition from the first day your child is born, understand the tools that are available which are no cost to you to help improve your child’s education like the 2200 videos that Sal Khan has posted for free on youtube and much more.

We need a democratized educational body that will consider all aspects of the micro level contributors to education and impose them on every level of education to create a sense of hope that these families and kids are not alone. We do care and want them to succeed. A smarter country is a more productive country and the benefits  will be past on from generation to generation.

The short term solutions are great but now is the time to consider the long term effects of our combined efforts. Like global warming and the whole green movement which has only been a concern in the media for less than a decade. The world is flat and everyone is connected by six degrees of separation. With that said, we cannot afford to take the chance on the children of the future and need to make every effort in helping Prepr become the worlds educational ecosystem or as Dr. Avila says, “The next facebook for Academia”.

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