
From MIT’s OpenCourseware initiative to the Khan Academy, Prepr is excited to be positioned as one of the leading organizations in terms of revolutionizing Open Education into a new age.

An age where you can have open and thorough access to education no matter where you live or social class you were born into. An age where we can use our resources to empower not only a few but the many. We want to implement Open Education in its truest sense and make it available for the world’s most destitute and disenfranchised people, to help make a difference from the ground up.

The Prepr Foundation’s mission is to unlock the potential of the world’s educators through technology to widen their reach. The more people we can reach with education the better we will all be for it. We would like to see our World changing for the better and are committed to building a new age of Education which will help us achieve that change.

If you’d like to join the Prepr Movement and be a proponent for change in our world you can go to for the latest news and happenings. If you have any ideas to help us innovate the Education process please either comment or send us and email at

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