Winners of the 2020/2021 Industry Futur{e}Challenge!


Congratulations to all the winning teams and a very special thank you to our sponsors The Linux Foundation, Magnet, and Amazon Web Services!

Our Industry Futur{e}Challenge series brought about so many wonderful innovations while encouraging personal and professional growth and exploring skill development. In addition, some of the winning projects inspired critical problem solving and a future-driven outlook that will continue to promote innovation going forward. 

Take a look at all of the incredible project submissions that won first place prizes & internships! 

Future of Automotive Challenge – iDrive by Connor Buskermolen 

iDrive is an application designed to help its users understand and adjust their driving habits. Furthermore, this app is cleverly designed to promote automotive efficiency, allowing users to work towards more sustainable behaviour while promoting immediate and attainable change. 

Learn more about Conner’s project here.

Future of Energy Challenge – Pressure by Mas J Tsukada

Pressure is an innovative system of pressure plates designed to generate and store electricity through the power of a human step or the roll of a street vehicle. This system would help city dwellers reduce their carbon footprint while creating the energy their city needs to run. 

To learn more about Masamichi’s project, check out their project here.

Future of Food Challenge – Reducing Food Loss with AI by Jennifer Huynh

This project brilliantly shows how AI technology can be leveraged to better calibrate food production equipment in order to improve the quality of food that we consume. This would also allow for a greater volume of food distribution while reducing food loss and gaining efficiency by utilizing our natural resources. 

Learn more about Jennifer’s project here.

Future of Healthcare Challenge – L’Opital by Karmit Patel 

L’Opital is a Smart Hospital Management System (SMAS) and online platform that would allow doctors, nurses, staff, and patients to access real-time data and information improving quality of care and administration efficiency. 

To learn more about Karmit’s project, click here.

Future of Hospitality and Tourism Challenge – LeadTheWay by Jia Zheng Li

LeadTheWay is an application designed to improve the efficiency and enjoyability of travel for its users. The design has an auto-compiled itinerary feature, allowing users to complete their bucket list items with the most efficient route possible.  

Learn more about Jia Zheng’s project here.

Future of Retail Challenge – Unearthed by Nicole Caballero 

Unearthed is an application designed to encourage mindful food purchasing habits by bridging knowledge gaps, reducing potential confusion for consumers, and assisting with decision fatigue. This design provides support for users and allows them to shop more confidently while encouraging sustainable decision making. 

To learn more about Nicole’s project, click here.

In addition to prizes from sponsors, we are also proud to have placed Prepr internship opportunities for some of the best project submissions in the Industry Futur{e}Challenge.
  1. FUTURE FOOD by Mark Carew – Future of Food Challenge
  2. FOOD NET by Matthew Trinh – Future of Food Challenge
  3. REDUCING FOOD LOSS WITH AI by Jennifer Huynh – Future of Food Challenge
  4. DOCTOR SNAP! by Ali Bagheri – Future of Healthcare Challenge
  5. LEAD THE WAY by Jia Zheng Li – Future of Hospitality Challenge
  6. SPACES by Nathalie Atouba-Eyoune – Future of Hospitality Challenge
  7. THE AIRPORT LINK by Nolan Saumure – Future of Hospitality Challenge
  8. UNEARTHED by Nicole Caballero – Future of Retail Challenge

If you are inspired by the incredible project solutions submitted in our Industry Futur{e}Challenge and would like to learn more about industry-specific skill development. Then make sure to join our industry Lab to gain access to resources and be the first to know about our next Challenge series! 

Join the Lab Here.

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