A decade in the making, Prepr has a long history of offering innovative and engaging programming. From the introduction of our flagship PIE Program in 2014, to the launch of our LearnLab platform in 2019, learn more about Prepr through the years.
Idea was born. Prepr launched at MIT TechFair, Boston, MA
Prepr field research with 50+ user interviews, and Pitch to Career Studies Students & Professor at Stanford University
Development of first Minimum Viable Product - Prepr Network for Test Preparation & Certification
Crowdfunding for an enhanced Open Prepr platform and development of the Prepr PIE Program.
Launch of PIE Program on Pi Day, March 14, 2014. Prepr EduChallenge in partnership with Cisco Systems, University of Toronto, Mozilla Foundation, Indiegogo, and Pathways to Education.
Field test with over 50 volunteers across Canada and United States to improve the PIE method/framework % OpenPrepr Platform.
New version of PIE released for District Schools Boards to support project-based, challenge-based, innovation and entrepreneurship programming.
Introducing Prepr Lab Programs for K-20 and Organizations
Partnerships with Wilfrid Laurier, Ryerson University - Diversity Institute, INBIA, GlobalMindED, Elevate, Amazon
Discover pre-built labs and instructor-led programs through PreprLabs, our workforce development platform.
Prepr Foundation respectfully acknowledges that we live, work, and play on the Treaty Lands and Territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation Territory, The Haudenosaunee Confederacy, and The Huron-Wendat and Wyandot Nations. We express gratitude to all Indigenous communities for stewarding and sharing the land.
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