F.U.N. Program for Employers

Are you an employer looking for young, creative talent? Prepr can connect you with pre-screened, pre-trained, digital talent ready to bring value to your organization.

Our Flexible Upskilling Network (F.U.N.) Program is a blended, hands-on learning experience combining valuable work experience with accelerated skills training.

The objective of the F.U.N. Program is to support youth who face employment barriers by helping them develop soft skills such as communication, collaboration and problem solving.

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What's in it for you?

Save time recruiting competent and affordable digital talent.

Our graduates can help you:

  • Build and design a website.
  • Manage social, email and search marketing campaigns.
  • Build eCommerce platforms or mobile apps.

The F.U.N. Program provides Ontario employers with wage subsidies to cover half the employment costs of an 8 week, full-time placement of 40 hours per week and $15/hr ($2,408).

What do we do?

  • Provide a hands-on digital skills training program and select top graduates to connect with employers
  • Pre-screen and enhance business skills of top digital talent to be workforce ready.
  • Open doors for candidates with diverse backgrounds and strengthen your workforce for success.

Who is eligible?

F.U.N. is open to Ontario-based businesses and organizations which:

  • Employ youth with important soft-skills training including communication, collaboration, and problem solving.
  • Ensure that placements take place in safe, inclusive, and healthy work environments free from harassment and discrimination.
  • Can provide quality work experiences for youth.
  • Provide job placement(s) with a digital or technology focus that aligns with your business goals.

Hear what graduates have to say about the program:

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Hear what employers have to say about the program:

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