building virtual lab

Building Virtual Labs for Crucial Skills Development

Lab based learning on the PreprLabs Network can offer you the opportunity to upskill and re-skill your members with efficiency and enthusiastic participation.

Perfect Fit For Your Organization

On Prepr’s virtual Lab platform, take upskilling to the next level. Help your team build an Agile mindset and future-proof your organization with the Labs and Challenges designed to perfectly fit your skills development needs. Through 100% customizable Labs, Challenges, and Resources, you can easily meet your organizational needs. 

With our one-of-a-kind PreprLabs Network, you can customize your organizational profile to match your brand. In addition to branded Labs and Challenges, your organization can send out personalized email announcements and award participants with branded micro-credentials.


  • Customizable Labs and Challenges perfectly address the needs of your organization
  • Labs and Challenges can be branded in order to fit your organization’s goals 
  • Personalized announcements and awards give your participants the best experience possible

A Secure and Seamless Learning Experience

Work integrated learning is crucial for effective professional development. On the PreprLabs Network, help students or team members learn with a growth mindset with this hands-on learning experience. To help you guide learners through a seamless learning experience, our Virtual Lab Platform is secure through two-factor authentication, SSL security, and data assurance backed up in the cloud via AWS.


  • Hands-on learning provides effective professional development 
  • Participants develop an essential growth mindset and practice Agile thinking 
  • Two factor authentication, SSL security, and data assurance protect your organization throughout your learning journey 

Outcome CampusConnect Integration

Accelerate your organizational growth by connecting with talented graduates determined and capable of taking your organization to the next level. Through Outcome CampusConnect Integration, you can easily connect with skilled, hard-working students with the initiative and skills your organization needs. 

There are many great benefits that come along with the Outcome CampusConnect Integration, including the following:


  • Equipping students and recent graduates with valuable work experiences for their future
  • Give learners the opportunity to tackle real-world problems to develop in-demand skills employers are looking for
  • Helping students and recent graduates become career-ready through work integrated learning opportunities and connecting them with organizations

Create A Unique Learning Journey For Your Users

In order to most effectively build the skills your organization needs, the PreprLabs Network allows you to create Lab Programs, Challenge Paths, Resource Groups in order to further customize your members’ learning journeys. Create a unique series of Challenges and Resources in order to deliver an effective upskilling experience. 

A unique learning experience is crucial for accelerating a learner’s professional growth and development. Through a collection of interlinked Labs, Challenges and Resources, learners can take their skills to the next and better support your organization in its growth.


  • Create Lab Programs, Challenge Paths, and Resource Groups
  • Customize your participants’ learning journeys
  • Build a unique and effective learning experience for each of your learners

Advanced Microcredentialing

On the PreprLabs Network, running Labs and Challenges is a great starting point for awarding badges and microcredentials. Ranging from awarding microcredentials for Challenge participation or for top projects in Challenges, our Virtual Lab Platform also allows for automated activity awards based on overall collaboration, creativity, communication and critical thinking. 

When members of your organization complete your Lab and all the Challenges within each Lab, you can recognize their accomplishment with advanced microcredentialing. Lead your organization to success and help accelerate your members’ professional development.


  • Award achievements for Challenges and Labs through advanced microcredentialing 
  • Motivate your participants to learn and take initiative 
  • Recognize participants success in order to encourage ongoing learning and development

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