We help teams like yours build job-ready skills and launch market-ready innovations. Discover our learning and innovation programs and our learn-by-doing platform, PreprLabs.
ready-made learning labs
Whether you’re upskilling talent or bringing an idea to market, PreprLabs’ ready-to-use programming and resources help you train, ideate and engage faster and easier.
custom labs & Learning Experiences
PreprLabs helps you meet your learning goals head-on with support for custom learning programs, microcredentials, and resources.
remote and
in-person learning
Enhance your PreprLabs experience with problem-solving toolkits that support hybrid work and learning experiences in the office and the classroom.
Interested? PreprLabs is free-to-try
for all organizations.
Make a real-world impact with our skills and innovation programs.
Prepr creates virtual labs that enable organizations to deliver collaborative learning experiences in order to help students, employees, job seekers and startups upskill and re-skill.