Case Studies

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Learn how we’ve helped businesses, non-profits, and post-secondary institutions achieve their goals and make an impact.

Case Study: WorkFairly

Workfairly program WorkFairly: Empowering Women to Thrive in Tech WorkFairly equips women with the digital, technical, and leadership skills needed to break into the tech

Case Study: (SFS) Supporting employers in building cross-functional teams

Skills for Success Skills for Success – Supporting employers in building cross-functional teams The objective of the Skills for Success program with employers was to

Case Study: (SFS) Building a cross-functional talent pool

Skills for Success Skills for Success – Building a cross-functional talent pool Skills for Success for Digital Talent supports job seekers with a background in

Case Study: (FUN) Improving cross-collaboration skills for young tech talent

Flexible Upskilling Network Flexible Upskilling Network (FUN) Improving cross-collaboration skills for young tech talent The Flexible Upskilling Network (F.U.N.) program is a blended learning environment

Case Study: (D.T.P) Advancing digital literacy for small businesses in Puslinch

Digital Transformation Program Digital Transformation Program – Advancing digital literacy for small businesses in Puslinch The Digital Transformation Program (D.T.P.) initiated by Prepr in collaboration

Case Study: (D.T.P) Providing training for equity-deserving tech professional

Digital Transformation Program Digital Transformation Program – Advancing digital literacy for small businesses in Puslinch The Digital Transformation Program (D.T.P.) initiated by Prepr in collaboration

Case Study: Ontario Chamber of Commerce

ONTARIO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE We trained 100 staff from 30 Ontario small businesses. The Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC) supports 60,000 businesses, educators, and non-profits

Case Study: Wilfred Laurier University

laurier university Case Study – Prepr Brings PIE to Laurier University UX Design Students On 3 February 2019, Prepr met with 25 UX Design students

Case Study: Industry Future Challenge (IFC)

Future Challenges Case Study – Futur{e}Challenge Industry 2019 Our challenge was to engage and initiate industry-specific discussions with key boundaries amongst these three actors with

Case Study: F.U.N. Program

Flexible Upskilling Network Case Study – Flexible Upskilling Network (FUN) Skills Catalyst Program Our team was able to switch easily to full remote delivery for

Case Study: Beyond COVID-19: Global Open Innovation Challenge

COVID-19 Case Study – Beyond COVID-19: Global Open Innovation Challenge Challenge teams used the Prepr PIE methodology to ideate and engineer innovative solutions to pandemic-related

Case Study: University of Alberta

Alberta Case Competition Case Study – University of Alberta Case Competition In the fall of 2021, Prepr Foundation had the opportunity to work with the

Case Study: Bishop’s University

Bishop’s University Case Study – Bishop’s University Entrepreneurship Program Success with Prepr Professor Karpenko was interested in enhancing the learning experience for the online course

Case Study: African Institute for Mathematical Sciences

aims Case Study – AIMS-BD4D-IP Challenge Workshop The workshop leveraged Prepr’s design thinking framework to successfully and collectively produce innovative challenge statements and brainstorm more

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