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Skills for Success Program: PROGRAM CLOSED

Thank you for your interest in the Skills for Success (SFS) program. We’re proud to announce that after three successful cohorts, this program is now closed. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the incredible employers who participated and contributed to making this program a success.

While the program may be closed, the impact it has had on our participants has been powerful. We’re thrilled to have been a part of empowering workforces to think big and foster cultures of collaboration.

For those interested in connecting with our team or learning more about future opportunities, please fill out the form to the side. Although the Skills for Success program has concluded, we remain committed to supporting organizations and individuals on their journey to success.

We remain committed to supporting organizations and individuals on their journey to success and if you are interested in this program or learning more about our work, get in touch with us today!

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    Program Overview

    SFS focused on assisting employers to build a team of confident idea-pitchers, cross-disciplinary collaborators, and adaptable leaders, by enhancing the skills of their employees through this training program. Participants were provided a range of instructor-led and self-guided materials to enhance their talents, expand their leadership acumen, and sharpen their soft skills

    Throughout our journey, we witnessed remarkable transformations as participants sharpened their talents, embraced leadership roles, and cultivated invaluable soft skills. The dedication and commitment of our participants have truly been inspiring.

    Thank you once again to all who made the Skills for Success program a remarkable experience. We look forward to staying connected and continuing to make a difference together.