Banner: PrepLabs Feature Release.

Preprlabs 14.0 Feature Release

New year, a new version of PreprLabs! We have been working hard behind the scenes, listening to your feedback, and making moves to bring you all these awesome updates that will help improve your experience on our Network! Look forward to all the latest and exciting changes coming to PreprLabs in our version 14 release!

Mini Onboarding

Ever felt stuck when opening a new Lab or Challenge? Trying to figure out what to do or what to expect? Now introducing our mini onboarding feature! When you open a Lab or Challenge now, you will be shown a brief overview of what you can expect from a Lab, Challenge, Resource, or Organization.

New Explore Page

We have revamped our explore page to better suit your needs! Through the explore page, relevant Labs and Challenges will be recommended to you based on your interests by letting you either search for topics or select tags you are interested in. In addition, we have added a new filter section to help you access more relevant and specific content that suits your needs.

Quality of Life Language Change

For our Challenge & Lab Managers, we have updated our Lab and Challenge creation tools so that it does not require you to set the language anymore. It will now be based on which language you have selected in our global language switch.

See the changes for yourself by logging in or registering for PreprLabs.

Anna Baumbach