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Prepr Foundation Introduces a Contest to Share Your Story, Make a Difference

Prepr Foundation is excited to announce the Share Your Story contest and invites people to tell us about the challenges facing them and their communities. The contest was inspired by a recent trip to Ghana, where Prepr’s Team captured local challenges by interviewing key community members on issues of education, health and community.

Understanding Challenges in Ghana via Interviews
The trip to Ghana was led by Gabriel Odartei, a Prepr Change-Maker who was born in the capital city of Accra and lived there for much of his childhood. Returning to his former school, Odartei interviewed students, teachers and the headmaster to get a sense of their current challenges and triumphs. The elementary school boasted one of the few computer labs in the country, a privilege sponsored by an international aid program several years earlier. Unfortunately, once the program stopped paying for internet access the school was unable to support it financially.

Share Your Story Contest
Storytelling is a powerful way to share information and ideas, and understanding is the first step to solving any problem. As part of the Share Your Story contest Prepr is inviting people to submit video interviews capturing their challenges for a chance to get featured, feedback and funding through Prepr PIE. Whether the story is about health, community or education, people are encouraged to explore the issue in depth and think about what’s at the core of the challenge. The contest will be open until April 30th, 2014.

Prepr PIE: Helping People Solve Challenges
The trip, as well as the upcoming contest, are part of the recently launched Prepr PIE Program. In the PIE Program the first step for learners is to choose a challenge that resonates with them, whether that challenges is in their own neighbourhood, or they’re collaborating with others halfway around the world. Next, they learn how to tackle their challenge and develop solutions using the PIE Method’s three pillars: project management, innovation and entrepreneurship.

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